Welcome to NO*Glameow’s Devon Rex. My name is Annette Varaas and I live in Oslo, Norway’s capital city. I live here with my small family: my fiancé Alain, our daughter and our cats. I’m a member of the Norwegian cat club NORAK, which belongs to NRR - a Norwegian cat association that again is a part of FIFe.

Here you’ll find all the news about our Devon Rex cats and kittens born in our cattery.

Contact us on phone if you like: (+47) 46610647 (Annette’s cell phone) or send us mail by clicking on the envelope at the bottom of this page.

About Devon Rex:

• Read about Devon Rex on Wikipedia or read CFA’s wonderful breed description 

• Watch a video about Devon Rex “Cats 101: Devon Rex” on YouTube.

You can still visit our old page here.

NO*Glameow’s Devon Rex